
An enriched email message or notification can be a direct consequence of a previous enriched email. Such, previous enriched email is defined as an "Initiator".

Therefore an "Initiator" is a enriched email that is a direct consequence of the enriched email whose Initiator it is.

For instance, enriched email notification for the introduction of a new Marketed Substance is the Initiator of a enriched email notification to further define the Marketed Substance Production Chain.

Initiating provides the capability to follow business events chains related to

  • Corporate Entity creation
  • Corporate Entity change
  • Project management 

Initiating can also be used instead of forwarding. When an internal registered email message contains some information that should not be sent/forwarded to external correspondents,   initiating can be used instead. In this way, the business link between the two enriched email messages can be preserved without exposing sensitive information to other correspondents.

Enriched Email - entity related initiating







Enriched Email - project related initiating