Acting / Agents
Acting/Agents is one of the features of Enriched Email that enables a corporate person to appoint an Agent to follow all its correspondence, regular and enriched emails, and act by writing enriched email messages to create and develop/change Corporate Entities and implement Corporate Projects.
Only designated followers can appoint an Agent using the “Acting” button on the Enriched Email Client. By using the “Acting” button, a designated follower can appoint the selected corporate person with appropriate qualifications and clearance to become his Agent on all his topics with original designated privileges.
It is important to note that an Agent can receive even the "basis for creation" enriched emails and therefore can initiate the Corporate Entity definition process. An Agent cannot only appoint an Assistant. An Agent can also handle all development/changes of the Corporate Entities as he will receive all "basis for change" enriched email correspondence.
Following of all correspondence by an Agent is achieved by:
- automatic generation of forwarding to the Agent of all designated follower's original/first incoming regular emails
- automatic generation of forwarding to the Agent of all designated follower's incoming regular email replies
- automatic generation of copies to the Agent of all outgoing enriched emails related to the designated follower's topics
A corporate person can have only one Agent at a time, but one person, which should be avoided if possible, can be an Agent for more than one corporate person.
On the first tab "Acting", the corporate person can see if he currently has an Agent.
If he has, he can stop acting by pressing the "Stop Acting" button.
If he does not have one, he can choose one from the LoV of corporate persons with appropriate qualifications and with the same or higher clearance.
On the second tab "Review - Me as an Agent" he can see if he has been appointed as an Agent and who has appointed him.
He can also see what topics he follows because of his acting and who the designated followers are.
It is important to note that an Agent cannot appoint an Assistant for the topics he is appointed to by the designated follower appointment.
The transfer of appointed authority is not allowed.