Enriched Email
Features of Enriched Email
Theme, Topic Class, Topic, Subtopic, Activity/Significant Event
Designated followers, Assisting/Assistants, Acting/Agents and Following by choice/Followers by choice
Subsequent processing of mobile correspondence
Initiating and Initiator of correspondence
Replication, Confidentiality, Completeness, Pointing and Selection
Processing of Enriched Email attachments
Enriched Email Client
Incoming email messages
Outgoing email messages
Additional reviews and TO-DO Lists
The business environment of the Pharmaceutical Corporation in which the creation and development of Corporate Entities and the implementation of Corporate Projects take place is such that the activities related to them are practically always accompanied by internal and/or external email correspondence between various corporate participants, Health Authorities, Healthcare Institutions, and other Business Partners.
To make these activities more feasible and to provide a powerful corporate governance tool for corporate managers and ease of use for corporate professionals, Enriched Email, with its Relational Email Server and Enriched Emil Client with many new features, has been developed and integrated into the eCTD Integral Information System.
For the first time, using email correspondence, one user can review all correspondence presented chronologically and related to a particular process of Corporate Entities creation, Corporate Entity development/change or Corporate Project realization, regardless of who the correspondents are.
The ability of corporate users, with appropriate system privileges but regardless of their participation in the correspondence, to monitor and review all internal and external correspondence and exchanged documents on a particular topic is a powerful tool for all corporate users, regardless of their hierarchical level.
It is important to note that each outgoing and incoming non-private email message receives a unique "registration ID" recorded in the eCTD Integral Information System Database.
Distribution correspondence, additional copies of outgoing email messages and forwards of incoming email messages have the same registration ID assigned to the original email message.
This feature, together with other new features of the Enriched Email has enabled the creation of entity creation correspondence chains, entity development/change correspondence chains, and project correspondence chains, three powerful tools for corporate managers and professionals.
Features of Enriched Email
The development of the Enriched Email was aimed/focused on the creation of a centralization factor integrating all activities and documents related to Corporate Entities and their creation and development/change through the realization of Corporate Projects in real-time. Such a centralization factor that integrates all informations and documents in real-time and stores them in the eCTD Integral Information System Database provides numerous opportunities necessary for accomplishing the ultimate goal, the establishment of an eCTD Integral Information System.
The Enriched Email consists of two components, a Relational Email Server and a Enriched Email Client that communicate continuously with three servers:
classical corporate email server
a dedicated classical email server or a publicly shared email server such as the "gmail.com" sever. Communication between a classical email server and the Relational Email Server can be based on a VPN connection or a public internet connection.
- corporate documentation server
a shared point on a Linux or Windows operating system. Communication between the Enriched Email Client and the corporate documentation server is based on a VPN connection. The link between each document and the corresponding Corporate Entity or Corporate Project, along with other related data, are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database creating together the Corporate Documentation Cloud.
- relational database server
based on the "Oracle" relational database where the Relational Email Server is located. All data contained in a regular email message are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database together with the additional Enriched Email processing data. Communication between the Enriched Email Client and the relational database server is based on a VPN connection.
It is important to note that:
- Relational Email Server - residing in the eCTD Integral Information System Database and continuously communicating with the classical corporate email server
and - Enriched Email Client - an end-user client/server application communicating with the relational database server of the eCTD Integral Information System and corporate documentation server
by acting together, enable all the features of the Enriched Email.
The Enriched Email, communicating with three servers, in addition to the features of a regular email client such as:
- Distribution list (To, Cc, Bcc)
- Reception time (recipient - local time)
- Sending time (sender - local time)
- Subject
- Message text
- Attachments
has major new Enriched Email features:
- Theme of correspondence - Corporate Entity or Corporate Project
- Topic class of correspondence - a class of Corporate Entities or a class of Corporate Projects
- Topic of correspondence - Corporate Entity or Corporate Project of the topic class
- Topic personalization with respect to the Enriched Email Client end-user
- Subtopics of correspondence depending on the Corporate Entity class
- Significant events of correspondence depending on the Corporate Project type and current project activity
- Predefined combinations of entity class/subtopics depending on the Corporate Entity class
- The relation of entity class/subtopic combinations to corporate entity definition documents
- Predefined combinations of project class/project type/activity/significant events depending on the Corporate Project type
- The relation of project class/project type/activity/significant event combinations to corporate project documents
- Assisting - as an Assistant of a designated person
- Acting - as an Agent of a designated person
- Topic Following
- by designation
- by choice
- as an Assistant
- as an Agent
- Subsequent processing of mobile correspondence
- Initiating and Initiator of correspondence
- Replication - declaring an regular email message as a reply to a previous message
- Confidentiality - activity/significant event dependent - control when sending attachments with confidential content to Business Partners
- Completeness - activity/significant event dependent - control of the completeness of received emails/attachments or the distribution of emails/attachments during the realization of a Corporate Project.
- Pointing - activity/significant event dependent - pointing to a specific Corporate Entity when the topic of the correspondence is a Corporate Project
- Selection - attachment type dependent - Corporate Entity selection when more than one Corporate Entity is involved
- UTC time of email registration
- Mandatory classification of new attachments when sending an enriched email message
- Automatic upload of sent new attachments to the Corporate Documentation Cloud while links to documents are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database
- Ability to send, through direct communication with the Corporate Documentation Cloud, already sent/received, classified and topic-related documents as attachments when sending emails related to a specific Corporate Project or Corporate Entity
- Mandatory classification of received attachment when registering an incoming email
- Automatic upload of received attachments to the Corporate Documentation Cloud while links to documents are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database
- Independent/direct linking of attachments to a Corporate Entity or Corporate Project thus eliminating correspondence as a linking tool
- Deregistration of enriched email message
Many other functions and controls, based on business rules, have also been developed to make the Enriched Email Client application user-friendly.
It is important to note that having in the same relational database all the data belonging to the classical email server and the data belonging to the extended features of the Enriched Email, together with all the other corporate data related to the Corporate Entities and Corporate Projects, provides numerous reviewing and reporting possibilities for managers and corporate professionals. It also provides numerous features in terms of guidance, control, information, intervention, management, and much more.
Since the Enriched Email Client is by its nature in "real-time" and is used for interactive monitoring of the main activities on the creation and development/change of Corporate Entities and realization of Corporate Projects, it thus sets the whole eCTD Integral Information System in real "real-time". All activities and events are in real-time, appear chronologically related in reviews and reports, and do not depend on the time of data entry into various Excel "share points".
Also, one of the advantages of this concept is that each piece of data is entered only once by the corporate person who first came into contact with the data and at the time when it originally occurred.
This saves an enormous amount of time for end users who often have to separately and manually enter already generated data into different "share points" which virtually eliminates the concept of "real-time" and provides many opportunities for errors and discrepancies in the data entered.
Topic, Subtopic, Significant Event, Entity Class/Subtopic combination, and Project Type/Activity/Significant Event combination
Entity Class/Topic/Subtopic combinations, and Project Type/Activity/ Significant Event combinations are used to classify correspondence and its attachments and to enable many features of Enriched Email.
Enriched Email topic classes
For Corporate Projects and Corporate Entities topic classes are defined, i.e. for Corporate Projects:
- Pre-Clinical Tests Projects
- Clinical Trial Projects
- Medicinal Product(s) Regulatory Projects
- Medicinal Product(s) Marketing Projects
and for Corporate Entities:
- Substances
- Organizations
- Marketed Substances
- Marketed Substance Production Chains
- Pre-Clinical Tests
- Dossiers - Pre-Clinical Tests
- Clinical Trials
- Dossiers - Clinical Trials
- Medicinal Products
- Medicinal Product Preparation Production Chains
- Dossiers - Medicinal Products
- Marketing Campaigns
- Marketing Campaigns Design Chains
- Dossiers - Marketing Campaigns
The corporate project topic can be any of the standardized Corporate Projects, and the corporate entity topic can be any of the hierarchically classified Corporate Entities. Only active entities and projects can be chosen as a topic when processing enriched emails but in various reviews and reports all active and closed Corporate Projects as well as active and deactivated Corporate Entities can be chosen and used.
Custom made Corporate Project can be introduced upon request.
Enriched Email subtopics
Subtopics are areas of interest with related activities used to define Corporate Entities and their development/changes. Depending on the type of Corporate Entity, subtopics are used to:
- define corporate documents that can be used as enriched email attachments
- check distribution of confidential enriched email attachments
- monitor progress in Corporate Entity creation or further development/changes with respect to particular area of interest
Enriched Email significant events
Significant events are used during the realization of Corporate Projects.
Depending on the Corporate Project class, project type and project activity, significant events are defined and used to, e.g.:
- change project activity
- mark milestone of the project realization
- initiate request to corporate entity person and monitor its realization
- solicit information and follow the response
- define corporate documents that can be used as attachments
- start sub-project
- check on the completeness of the attachment distribution
- check on the completeness of the received attachments
- check on the distribution of the confidential attachment
Designated Followers, Assisting/Assistants, Acting/Agents, and Following by choice/Followers by choice
There are four types of followers:
designated follower
follower as an Assistant
follower as an Agent
follower by choice
Designated Followers
Designated followers are corporate entity persons or corporate project persons fully responsible for the creation/change of Corporate Entities or the realization of Corporate Projects for which they are designated. The designation is made automatically during the Corporate Entity creation/change definition stages.
For the topics they are designated, a Corporate Entity or Corporate Project, corporate entity/project persons can write enriched email messages or enrich incoming regular email messages using assigned topics and subtopics or significant events.
Also, the designated followers, corporate entity/project persons, have a right to appoint Assistants and Agents.
It is important to note the directions of the appointing process:
system/topic -> designated follower/topic - original system-defined privileges
designated follower /topic -> assistant/topic - designated follower delegated privileges
designated follower/all topics -> agent/all topics - designated follower delegated privileges
system/topic -> follower by choice/topic - part of original system-defined privileges
Only designated followers/Appointers can appoint Assistants.
By appointment, an Assistant becomes a follower of a chosen topic with full appointer rights.
An Assistant can:
- select the assigned topic and write an outgoing enriched email message
- receive copies of all outgoing enriched email messages with his assigned topic written by the designated follower or his Agent
- enrich, using his assigned topic, the incoming regular email messages sent to him
- receive upon registration with his assigned topic automatically generated forwards of all incoming original/first regular email messages received by the designated follower or his Agent
- receive automatically generated enriched forwards with his assigned topic of all incoming regular email reply messages received by the designated follower or his Agent
- receive automatically generated unenriched forwards of all incoming regular email reply messages with his assigned topic received by the designated follower or his Agent, classify attachments, and enrich messages using the original topic and subtopic when the topic is his assigned Corporate Entity
Also, the Assistant can complete the creation of an "incompletely structurally/narratively defined" assigned Corporate Entity as well as make changes to the assigned existing Corporate Entity using the appropriate application forms.
It is important to note that Assistants can follow only enriched emails because only enriched emails have a topic they follow. Regular incoming emails do not have a topic and must be first enriched by a recipient, an Appointer or by his Agent, before they can be seen by the following Assistant.
It is important to note that exception to the above note are incoming regular email replies to original/first outgoing enriched emails when the topic are automatically taken from the outgoing enriched email.
In case a message does not have attachments, the Assistant receives automatically enriched incoming regular email replies. If a regular email reply message has attachments and the topic is a Corporate Entity, the Assistant must first classify attachments and than enrich the message using assigned topic.
It is important to note that in a situation where all three persons are present, Appointer, Assistant and Agent, and if only one of them is signed with the Enriched Email Client, he will receive forwards of incoming regular email replies to other two corporate persons for the topics he follows regardless of his role. He will also receive copies of enriched email messages sent by other two corporate persons for the topics he follows regardless of his role.
The act of being appointed as an Assistant involves the person with a related active substance and enables him to become a follower by choice of the Corporate Entities' and Corporate Projects' enriched emails related to the active substance in question.
A detailed description of how to appoint an assistant is presented here.
Only designated followers/Appointers can appoint an Agent.
By appointment, an Agent becomes a follower with full appointer rights of all Appointer's topics. The Agent receives all incoming enriched and regular email messages and notifications and can enrich them and reply if he deems it necessary.
An Agent also keeps track of all assistants' correspondence related to the topics of the corporate person he represents.
An Agent can:
- select any of the assigned topics and write an outgoing enriched email message
- receive copies of all outgoing enriched email messages with any of the assigned topics written by the Appointer or Appointer's Assistants
- enrich, using any of the assigned topics, the incoming regular email messages sent to him
- enrich and register automatically generated forwards using any of the assigned topics, the incoming original/first regular email messages sent to the Appointer
- receive automatically generated enriched forwards of all incoming regular email replies with his assigned topics received by the Appointer or Appointer's Assistants In case a message does not have attachments
- receive automatically generated unenriched forwards of all incoming regular email reply messages with his assigned topics received by the Appointer or Appointer's Assistants, classify attachments, and enrich messages using the original topic and subtopic when the topic is one of assigned Corporate Entities
Also, the Agent can complete the creation of any of assigned "incompletely structurally/narratively defined" Corporate Entities as well as make changes to any of the assigned existing Corporate Entities using the appropriate application forms.
It is important to note that the Agent receives all emails of the person he represent, enriched and regular, and is responsible for the processing of all incoming regular emails. Exceptions are regular incoming replies to outgoing enriched emails with attachments when the topic and subtopic are automatically taken from the outgoing enriched email. In this case, the Agent is informed if there is an Assistant assigned to the topic and decides whether to enrich the email message himself or let the Assistant handle the processing.
Also, the act of being appointed as an Agent usually involves the corporate person with more than one active substances and enables him to become a follower by choice for the related enriched emails.
A detailed description of how to appoint an Agent is presented here.
Following/Followers by choice
By using the “Following by choice” button on the Enriched Email Client a corporate person can select a topic to become a "follower by choice" of all enriched correspondence related to the chosen topic and be automatically included in the correspondence distribution.
The topics that can be "followed by choice" by a certain corporate person depend on the active substances that the person is in contact with. Each "designated following" involves a corporate person with one active substance, each "assistance" involves a corporate person with one active substance and, in general, one person may be in contact with many active substances. Only topics, Corporate Entities or Corporate Projects, of those active substances, are offered for "following by choice".
By default, all correspondence on a certain topic, including related correspondence, is followed.
A copy of each outgoing enriched correspondence and the forwarding of each incoming enriched correspondence related to the chosen topic, regardless of who is the sender of the correspondence or who and how many recipients there are, is delivered to the Inbox of the follower by choice.
Furthermore, in addition to the topic, the follower by choice may, depending on the class of the topic, choose which correspondence to follow, namely:
- Corporate Entity Topic
- all correspondence - all external and internal enriched emails
- selected subtopics - all external and internal enriched emails
- Corporate Project Topic
- all correspondence - all external and internal enriched emails
- milestones - all external and internal enriched emails representing milestones
- significant events - all external and internal enriched emails representing significant events
Also, followers by choice can select the topic they follow and write an outgoing enriched email message but can only select related correspondence as a subtopic or event.
A detailed description of how to become or cease to be a follower by choice is presented here.
Subsequent processing of mobile correspondence
It is not unusual for corporate persons when they are not in the office to use mobile devices for business correspondence and therefore communicate directly with the classical corporate email server.
The Relational Email Server constantly communicates with the classical corporate email server and all mobile correspondence is recorded in the eCTD Integral Information System as it happens.
Once the Enriched Email Client is available, subsequent enriched email processing can be done. The only requirement is that the processing must be done chronologically with respect to both, "Inbox" and "Sent box".
In case an Agent and/or Assistants are appointed the situation becomes more complicated. All three of them can simultaneously communicate using mobile devices and process each other's emails using Enriched Email Client.
It is important to note that thanks to the Relational Email Server, the Appointer and the Agent, on their mobile devices receive all the Assistant's emails and responses from the Business Partners that refer to the Appointer's topics. They only on mobile phones do not receive the original/first emails sent to the Assistant before the registration is processed, as until then the topic is still unknown.
It is important to note that while the Appointer communicates using mobile correspondence, his Agent and Assistants can process and enrich his emails. Similar applies to the Agent, some of his mobile reply correspondence related to the Appointer's topics can be processed by the Appointer and the Assistants.
Initiating and Initiator of correspondence
An enriched email message/notification may be a direct consequence of a previous enriched email. Such a previous enriched email is defined as an "initiator". Therefore, the "initiator" is the enriched email which is the direct instigator of the enriched email whose initiator it is.
For instance, enriched email notification for the introduction of a new Marketed Substance is the initiator of an enriched email notification to the responsible cmc entity person to further define the Marketed Substance Production Chain.
By using initiators with several subsequent enriched emails, a correspondence chain is created.
One "initiator" can initiate several enriched emails thus creating a crossroad in the correspondence chain.
As an example, an enriched email notification for the introduction of a new Innovative Active Substance creates crossroads with two tracks: Substance track and Medicinal Product track and is the initiator for the creation of a new distributing Organization and a new Pre-Clinical Tests.
The Initiating provides the capability to create and follow business events via correspondence chains related to:
- Corporate Entities creation
- Corporate Entity development/change
- Corporate Project realization
therefore creating:
- entities creation correspondence chains
- entity development/change correspondence chains
- project realization correspondence chains
The Initiating can also be achieved manually with one of the Enriched Email Client features. For example, it can be used instead of forwarding. When an internal enriched email message contains some information that should not be sent/forwarded to external correspondents, initiating can be used instead.
In this way, the business link/correspondence chain between the two enriched email messages can be preserved without exposing sensitive information to other correspondents. To the external recipient an enriched email message appears like a regular email message without previous correspondence.
A detailed description of how to use initiating to create correspondence chains is presented here.
Replication, Confidentiality, Completeness, Pointing and Selection
Using "replication", one of the Enriched Email Client features, It is possible to declare an unrelated incoming email message as a reply to a selected previous outgoing enriched email message.
The "confidentiality", a Enriched Email Client feature, is used to control the sending of attachments with confidential content to Business Partners.
For example, "confidentiality" is used when sending initial submissions to several Investigational Sites. Controls are provided to prevent a wrong initial submission from being sent to an Investigational Site because, among other things, contracts defining financial arrangements may contain confidential information.
The "completeness", a Enriched Email Client feature, is used to control the completeness of received emails/attachments or the distribution of emails/attachments during the realization of a Corporate Project.
For example, "completeness" is used:
- to change project activity when all Ethical Committees provided positive opinions
- to change project activity when the "End of Trial Declaration" is sent to all participants, Health Authorities, Ethical Committees and Business Partners
The "pointing", a Enriched Email Client feature, is used to point to a specific Corporate Entity when the topic of the correspondence is a Corporate Project.
For example, "pointing" is used extensively in correspondence with Monitoring Organizations. When dealing with several Investigational Sites and writing or registering received emails from Monitoring Organization, the "pointing" is used to point to the Investigative Site that is the subject of the correspondence. This information is stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database and later used to generate various reviews and reports.
The "selection", a Enriched Email Client feature, is used during attachment classification to select the Corporate Entity to which attached document relates.
For example, when classifying an attached Curriculum Vitae in an enriched email message and the topic class is Organization, the appropriate employee of the organization must be selected.
Processing of Enriched Email attachments
Incoming regular and outgoing enriched email messages with attachment(s) are subject to attachment processing.
Processing of an incoming regular email message with attachment(s)
During the processing of an incoming regular email message with attached documents, the classification of attachments must be performed. Depending on the selection of the topic/subtopic or topic/significant event combination, a list of possible document classification classes to choose from is displayed. Moreover, for certain classes of documents, the "selection" feature of the Enriched Email Client is used to additionally select the Corporate Entity related to the attached document.
At the end of the processing of an incoming regular email message all attachments are automatically uploaded to the Corporate Documentation Cloud while the links with the topic and document class are stored into the eCTD Integral Information System Database.
Creation of an outgoing enriched email message with attachment(s)
During the creation of an outgoing enriched email message:
- existing documents can be downloaded from the Corporate Documentation Cloud using several criteria for document search:
- received/sent attachments linked with the current topic- Corporate Entity or Corporate Project
- eCTD documents of the current topic - Corporate Entity
- initial submission documents of the current topic - Corporate Project
- new documents can be attached from the local work station and after classification automatically uploaded to the Corporate Documentation Cloud while the link with the topic, subtopic/significant event and document class are stored into the eCTD Integral Information System Database
Detailed lists of topic classes/subtopics for Corporate Entities and topic classes/significant events for Corporate Projects with corresponding document classification classes are defined in the eCTD Integral Information System.
Enriched Email Client
The Enriched Email Client is a stand alone end user application that completely replaces a regular email client and constantly communicates with:
- Relational Email Server
- Corporate Documentation Cloud
All structural data are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database together with links to the documents, received or sent as attachments, which are stored on the Corporate Documentation Cloud.
The Enriched Email Client is in continuous communication with the Relational Email Server, refreshing data, and providing a real "real-time" experience.
It is important to note that the Relational Email Server automatically processes all incoming original/first regular email messages and unenriched forwarded messages are sent to Agents for all recipients with "To" distribution. Forwards are not sent to Agents for recipients with "Cc" distribution.
It is important to note that the Relational Email Server automatically processes all incoming replies to enriched email messages, except those with attachments, and distribution of correspondence to an Assistant, Agent and followers by choice is automatically generated. Replies with attachments to enriched email messages require attachment classification prior to registration, which can be done by a designated follower, Assistant or Agent.
It is important to note that the Enriched Email Client must be used to process all correspondence in order to provide all the features and benefits of the Enriched Email. Mobile correspondence must be subsequently processed. All incoming and outgoing mobile correspondence must be simultaneously and chronologically manually processed to ensure the proper functioning of the Enriched Email.
With respect to the origin, two types of email messages are defined and used in the Enriched Email module:
- External email message
- incoming email, sent from an external classical email server, received by the classical corporate email server, received and processed to some extent by the Relational Email Server, and finally received and processed by the Enriched Email Client
- outgoing email, processed by the Enriched Email Client, sent by the Relational Email Server, sent by the classical corporate email server, and received by an external classical email server
- Internal email message
- enriched email processed by the Enriched Email Client, sent by the Relational Email Server to the classical corporate email server, received by the Relational Email Server, and received by the Enriched Email Client
For each type of email messages appropriate business rules are defined and used.
Incoming email messages
The incoming email message can be regular email message or enriched email message.
It is important to note that the origin of a regular incoming email message can be external or internal and the origin of a enriched incoming email message can only be internal.
Regular incoming email messages
Regardless of the origin, in terms of processing, a regular incoming email message can be:
- declared "private" and left unenriched and as such
- used to reply to originator - it appears to originator as a regular email or
- forwarded as an
- internal regular email - it appears to recipient as a regular email
- external regular email - it appears to recipient as a regular email
- subjected to the enriched email processing, and then, as an enriched email message can be:
- used to reply to external originator - it appears to originator as a regular email or
- used to reply to internal originator - it appears to originator as an enriched/regular email or
- forwarded externally as an enriched email - it appears to recipient as a regular email
- forwarded internally as an enriched email - it appears to recipient as a enriched/regular email
All "private" regular incoming email messages are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database, they cannot be deleted by the end user, and they cannot be seen by other correspondents or used for various reviews and reports of the Enriched Email.
Enriched incoming email messages
In terms of processing an enriched incoming email message:
- can not be unenriched or its registration changed
- can be used to reply to the originator - it appears to originator as an enriched email
- can be forwarded to internal recipient(s) - it appears to recipient as an enriched/regular email
- can be forwarded to external recipient(s) - it appears to recipient as a regular email
All enriched incoming email messages are already stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database, they can not be deleted by the end-user, and they can be used for various reviews and reports of Enriched Email.
A detailed description of the processing of incoming email messages is presented here
Outgoing email messages
The outgoing email message can be regular email message or enriched email message.
It is important to note that a regular outgoing email message should be avoided whenever possible and should be restricted to private correspondence between corporate end users.
Regular outgoing email message
A regular outgoing email message can be:
- external to the external recipient(s) - it appears to the recipient as a regular email
- internal to the internal corporate recipient(s) - it appears to the recipient as a regular email
All regular outgoing email messages are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database.
They are by definition "private", cannot be deleted by the end user, but they cannot be used for various reviews and reports of Enriched Email.
Enriched outgoing email message
An enriched outgoing email message is subjected to the enriched email processing.
An enriched outgoing email message can be:
- external to external recipient(s) - it appears to recipient as a regular email
- internal to internal corporate recipient(s) - it appears to recipient as an enriched/regular email
All enriched outgoing email messages are stored in the eCTD Integral Information System Database, they can not be deleted by the end user and they can be used for various reviews and reports of the Enriched Email.
A detailed description of the Enriched Email processing of outgoing email messages is presented here
Additional Reviews and TO-DO Lists
To enable the most efficient use of the Enriched Mail Client, in addition to many incorporated business rules, Additional Reviews and personalized To-Do Lists have been added to this application.
It is important to note that Additional Reviews refer to a single topic and its related correspondence. At the same time, the TO-DO Lists are personalized and refer to all active topics, projects and entities with which the corporate end user is currently engaged.
Additional Reviews
The following Additional Reviews are provided in the Enriched Email Client for the selected enriched email message/notification:
- Correspondence with Subtopics/Significant Events
For the selected enriched email message/notification all correspondence with the same topic is displayed, with the subtopics/significant events in front - Correspondence with Subject
For the selected enriched email message/notification all correspondence with the same topic is displayed, with the subject in front - Entity Creation Correspondence Chain
For the selected Corporate Entity enriched email message/notification all entity's "basis for creation" enriched email messages/notifications are chronologically displayed - Entity Subtopic Correspondence
For the selected Corporate Entity enriched email message/notification all entity's correspondence of the same subtopic - Project Correspondence Chain
For the selected Regulatory Project enriched email message/notification all significant event enriched email messages/notifications are displayed - Project eCTD Requests
For the selected Regulatory Project enriched email message/notification all eCTD editorial Requests with their statuses are displayed - Project Info Requests
For the selected Regulatory Project enriched email message/notification all info Requests with their statuses are displayed
TO-DO Lists
Using the business rule that all tasks, assignments, orders, requests, etc. must be given in writing using enriched email messages/ notifications, personalized TO-DO Lists are created and displayed on the Enriched Email Client application.
Two types of personalized TO-DO Lists are provided, in relation to Corporate Entities and in relation to Corporate Projects.
Corporate Entities - TO-DO Lists
In relation to Corporate Entities following personalized TO-DO Lists are provided:
- Basis for creation
personalized unused enriched email messages and notifications to create a new Corporate Entity - Basis for change
personalized unused enriched email messages to change an existing Corporate Entity - Entity creation
personalized unfinished enriched email messages and notifications to create a new Corporate Entity - Essential changes
personalized unfinished enriched email notifications to define essential changes of a Corporate Entity - Editorial changes
personalized unfinished work orders for editorial changes in Corporate Entity narrative definition documents
Corporate Projects - TO-DO Lists
In relation to Corporate Projects following personalized TO-DO Lists are provided:
- Incomplete submissions
incomplete initial and related submissions for which the corporate end-user is responsible - Technical validations
incomplete technical validations of initial and related submissions for which the corporate end-user is responsible - Open Issued eCTD Requests
open eCTD Requests to entity persons issued by the corporate project person - Received open eCTD Requests
open eCTD Requests to entity person received by the corporate entity person - Open info Requests
corporate user's info Requests without reply - Active Projects
all active Regulatory Projects that the corporate end-user is currently engaged with
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