Following by choice
Following by choice is one of the features of Enriched Email which enables corporate users to follow enriched emails related to a certain topic. A topic can be a Corporate Entity or a Corporate Project.
Followers by choice are corporate persons that intentionally follow all enriched emails related to a certain topic.
Only corporate persons can start following a specific topic using the “Following by choice” button on the Enriched Email Client. By using the “Following by choice” button, a corporate person can select a Corporate Entity or Corporate Project to follow with the appropriate access and clearance.
Only Corporate Entities and Corporate Projects associated with the active substances that a corporate person is in contact with can be selected to follow by choice.
It is important to note that roles, such as designated follower, agent, and assistant always bring a corporate person in contact with one or more active substances. Those active substances that the corporate person is in contact with, are the main filter for allowing him to follow enriched email correspondence. A corporate person can only follow topics, Corporate Entities and Corporate Projects, related to active substances he is in contact with. Only high-ranking managers can follow by choice enriched email correspondence related to all active substances and their Corporate Entities and Corporate Projects.
Following by choice is achieved by the automatic generation of enriched email messages with a followed topic to all followers by choice on the two occasions:
- when writing a enriched email message - a copy of the message is automatically sent to all followers by choice of the selected topic
- when registering an unregistered regular email message - the message is automatically forwarded to all followers by choice of the selected topic
It is also possible to filter the “following by choice” of enriched emails. Filtering depends on the type of topic, Corporate Entity or Corporate Project, that is being followed.
On the first tab "My followers by choice", the corporate person can see who is following his topics.
On the second tab "Me as a follower by choice" the corporate person can see topics that he follows.
On the third tab "Me as a designated person" the corporate person can see what are his topics that other can follow.
It is important to note that further filtering of enriched email correspondence is possible upon request:
- For Corporate Entities:
- external and internal enriched emails related to the certain topic/subtopic combination(s)
- For Corporate Projects:
- external and internal enriched emails related to project milestones
Other customized filtering is also possible upon request.