Variations related to the Control of Excipients of the Medicinal Product
Based on the legislatively defined sets of "basis for change" documents, changes in the definition of a Medicinal Product - Preparation Production Chain related to the Control of Excipients of the Medicinal Product initiate the following variations that have to be reported to the competent Health Authorities:
- B.II.c.1 Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of an excipient
a) Tightening of specification limits
b) Addition of a new specification parameter to the specification with its corresponding test method
c) Deletion of a non-significant specification parameter (e.g. deletion of an obsolete parameter)
d) Change outside the approved specifications limits range
e) Deletion of a specification parameter which may have a significant effect on the overall quality of the finished product
f) Addition or replacement (excluding biological or immunological product) of a specification parameter with its corresponding test method, as a result of a safety or quality issue
g) Where there is no monograph in the European Pharmacopoeia or the national pharmacopoeia of a Member State for the excipient, a change in specification from in-house to a non-official
B.II.c.2 Change in test procedure for an excipient
a) Minor changes to an approved test procedure
b) Deletion of a test procedure if an alternative test procedure is already authorised
c) Substantial change to or replacement of a biological/immunological/immunochemical test method or a method using a biological reagent
d) Other changes to a test procedure (including replacement or addition)
B.II.c.3 Change in source of an excipient or reagent with TSE risk
- a) From TSE risk material to vegetable or synthetic origin
1. For excipients or reagents not used in the manufacture of a biological/immunological active substance or in a biological/immunological medicinal product
2. For excipients or reagents used in the manufacture of a biological/immunological active substance or in a biological/immunological medicinal product
b) Change or introduction of a TSE risk material or replacement of a TSE risk material from a different TSE risk material, not covered by a TSE certificate of suitability
- a) From TSE risk material to vegetable or synthetic origin
B.II.c.4 Change in synthesis or recovery of a non-pharmacopoeial excipient (when described in the dossier) or a novel excipient
a) Minor change in synthesis or recovery of a non-pharmacopoeial excipient or a novel excipient
b) The specifications are affected or there is a change in physico-chemical properties of the excipient which may affect the quality of the finished product
c) The excipient is a biological/immunological substance